Why Do We Need Vitamin C?
There are several significant effects of vitamin C on health. First, vitamin C opposes to free radicals. Another reason is vitamin C aids the body anti-infection. In addition, it assists both the expectant mother and baby as it is the cementing agent that holds new cells together. Vitamin C, moreover, is necessary for tissue repairing, wound and bone healing, and maintaining healthy skin. Finally, vitamin C exhausts collagen for structuring bone, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels. (EmaxHealth, 2012:2)
EmaxHealth. (2012). Why do we need vitamin C?.[Online]. Available:
http://www.emaxheath.com/76/1144.html.[2012,September 14]
http://www.emaxheath.com/76/1144.html.[2012,September 14]
Good thank for information d>O<b
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ตอบลบThat’s nice.
ตอบลบso good ^_^